Saturday, March 3, 2012

Waiting and waiting.......

Well hi I'm Jenna and this is my story about my journey to China, and my wild ride with a new little sister. We have been waiting so long for are little girl, (Kylie). We just got are travel approval a few weeks ago, and have been sooo excited!! :) Mt sister has cleft lip and palate, she just got her surgery on December 5. And now she loves to smile and she is very happy. We have sent her a care package and some pictures. We can't wait to go and get her! My mom is going to China and my aunt. And of course me! :)  My mom and I have already started packing, since we are leaving on March 14!!!! Today my mom and I are going to be running around getting things for are trip.
We have a big family, we have pets and people. We have two cats, (Molly and Mittens), two dogs, (Katie and Fred), and last but not least MY pet rat Bell. Now see, alot of people don't like rats but the rats are very smart. But back on topic. My mom and I, again, are about to run around and get breakfast. I will be getting on blogger a few times a day.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jenna! Can't wait to hear your viewpoint of your trip! I'm sure it will be awesome! We are praying for you as you adjust to life as a big sister. You are going to be a great sister for Kylie! Have a blessed day!
